otrdiena, 2016. gada 29. novembris

One step at a time. Promise kept. For now.

As promised before hand. Here is my 1st video that I've made out of pure spite, just to make a video. Rambling about nothing, and everything, in a way. Hopefully next time I'll have an actual idea what I could make a video about. Might be another rant. Might be not. Who knows. Good luck to you all! 

Also. Some inspirational music to start the day.

pirmdiena, 2016. gada 28. novembris

So. Are you what you eat? I say yes. And not only literally.

So... once again the hardest part in all of this... where to start?
No idea, so let's recap. I promised that each weak I will publish at least a single article, and a single video. Yesterday might have concluded a week that has passed us by, but it still hasn't technically been a week since I have taken upon myself to do all of this so you will be receiving a video if not today, then by tomorrow most definitely. And considering I've no ideas as to what I could write about I decided to check some older things I had started to work on earlier, but had yet not published.
So. Let's talk quotes this time shall we? Or a single quote at least that is.

 - Man is what he eats. - "Der Mensch ist, was er ißt." - Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach.
Usually I tend to go with the flow when writing this, but as I am pushing myself here I guess we could actually have a plan here so let's go from the origins of this term to what I see and understand with it.
As mentioned above - the author of this quote is Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, but that is not where it quite got started. Some of you (or none of you readers) might have heard or you maybe even know of a french politician and a lawyer called: Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, who was a gastronome believe it or not (somehow though I'm not surprised considering the stereotypes about France).
In Physiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante, 1826 he writes:"Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es." -Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.
This could be the origin of this quote as skip several decades forwards and we come to 1863. when Mr. Feuerbach states that a man is what he eats. Of course this is not to be taken literally as I highly doubt any man who has eaten a pig has ever turned into one... well at least not literally I believe and neither because he was eating pig in the 1st place (then again you never know). Either way most of us have heard this quote most probably in reference to a diet or nutrition, and this is to be the intended meaning of the quote.
Though everything is relative I believe and so are quotes even though they may have been intended to represent something totally different. For me it is the case (well jeez, I wonder why else I would have picked this quote). Some of you might even ask why? What else could there be about this quote that I might understand it in a different matter then intended, cause let's be honest - it is rather straightforward isn't it? You know what I see here? EAT. That is the word. Eat -> Consume -> Digest -> Absorb. Those are just a few synonyms for the word, but plenty enough to get my point across. Have you never had needed time to "digest" a decision of your other significant half? Maybe you've had a hard time "absorbing" all the information around you, but perhaps all that has ever been needed to knock some sense into you has been the need to "consume" some knowledge and words of men smarter then yourself?
This is the way I look at this quote. It doesn't just tell you to eat healthy fresh food to be healthy yourself. It doesn't just tell you to try and be physically active and healthy. No. Mental healthcare is even more important. The more you allow yourself to absorb your mental diarrhoeas that occur due to your own actions, maybe actions of others, who cares, the more you will allow yourself to dragged down in the gutter.
Bottomline: (at least the way I see it) We might not have saying into what dish has life given ourselves today, but we sure as hell have an option on how to prepare it (don't just quickly boil it if it's nasty, rather do a deepcleansing or throw the stuff out together if it might be contagious)
Well. I know this might not be the best, nor the most entertaining of my blog entries, but for time being my promise is being kept and I intend to keep it that way.
Until later dear viewers! I bid you adieu.

otrdiena, 2016. gada 22. novembris

And here we go again... a promise made?

Somebody once said - a thought that has not been written, has not been thought out till the end. So here I am. Writing this down in order to do just that. Come to a conclusion and come to a plan. I've heard and said a lot of things. Some wise, some silly, while some that could be placed nowhere and everywhere all at once. So here is a promise. Promise to you dear viewer (thank you by the way for reading this blog still even though of the inconsistency within the posts) and more importantly - Myself. I've said quite a while ago - we are all egoists to a degree. Some more, some less, but all still. Why did you rob the bank? Wanted that cash. Why did you help an old lady cross the street? Cause you wanted to feel good about yourself, or at least something amongst those lines. So here is my egoistical promise that (hopefully) I shall manage to keep.
- Do exercise at least 10 minutes everyday
- Write something and post something here at least once a week
- Make a video once a week.
I've been meaning to do these things for a while really, but why should I?
Exercise - kind of goes without saying I believe, but in case it is not that obvious to you - I am not the person with the best body around these parts and I could at least try to improve while it is not too late, plus it should pay off with some advantages as it comes to being able to do more physical activities endurance and all the other nonsense Topshop tries to sell you in their ads.
Writing - Well... I've been really lazy with this. I used to think pushing yourself didn't quite work, cause one should write from his heart and soul, but know I've come to understand it only works if one is doing self-reflection and if I am to realise some of my dreams I need to be perfect. And you know what makes perfect? Epic rolls and practise of course =D
Videos - Another thing of mine I wanted to pull of in quite while. I actually did start on this ages ago as you might remember 1 or 2 of my videos, but it all came to a standstill on February when... my Mom died. Still miss her, but it's better now. At least I don't feel out of place anymore. Feeling somewhat sane even. Also. Thank all of you who gave me your support during this past year. It meant a lot and I would've fucked up quite a bit without all of you out there helping me get my shit together. And another reason for this is that I've been considering many ideas for the theme of my show, but I guess it's just time for action and I'll figure it out on the go. Possibly. Maybe. Who knows. After all life is like blackjack. You got to know when to hit, when to stand, maybe double down in the middle or split on side, but if I won't place that bet, no chance for me to win this round. It's my turn now.
How will all of this go?
Hopefully well. Stay tuned for feedback on how this affair goes along.

Alas. Time for this post to end. And as always. A nice song for you to enjoy this morning/day/night/ whenever you are reading this.
And I genuinely didn't expect to ever share a 1D song but here it is:

Thanks for reading this nonsense? Self-reflection post? Who cares. Remember. Never say never xD
Wish good luck ladies and gentlemen. Time for me to hit the sack and go to sleep.