Ok. So. Kā jau treileris (un gan jau filmas nosaukums) izsaka filmas galvenā varone ir feja (vēlāk ļaunā) Malefisenta.
The beggining of the movie makes sense (except all the explanation we get about her parents is that they are dead and another note here, if she is a fairy, why are there no other hueg ass fairies like her), we get to see a child Maleficent, and how she develops with a (wink wink soon to be asshole-king) young boy - Stephan.
Everything goes well for a few years, then Stephan fucks of to the human realm to realise his ambitions of becoming a king. Well. All is well that ends well. Right? Except not yet. Cause after Stephan had abbandoned Maleficant, he took up the occupation of being the kings bitch at the royal court (we all know that if you are at the court, most likely you are the kings bitch. If not - you are manipulative and scheming enough to escape that fate as GoT has proven very well) and just as most of the greedy, selfish humankind (not just talking bout the movie here
King dies. Enter Maleficent goes on to being a revengeful woman, enter new asshole selfish greedy king.
So. Our (now evil) fairy has gotten herself a trustworthy minion who does espionage work.
Turns out the queen is pregnant. YAY! ^^ Sooo....
When baptism is due, Maleficent decides to join the party and puts a curse on the little wee beastie, that the day after she turns 16, she will hurt her finger on the pinwheel needle, only to fall asleep in a very dark cold sleep, from which she will be waken up by a kiss of true love.
Long story short. King gives the kid to 3 fairies (who really suck at taking care of babies btw) to take her far away to protect her. Oh sweet irony. Malifacent in her curiousity to take a look at this wee beastie actually takes care of her more often and with more care than the 3 fairies (though she can't stand the kid at first).
Years pass. She gets closer and more attached to the girl. Tries to take away the curse, but fails (damn wording ;) ) and ultimately (of course it must after the girl has made friends with her) Aurora (yes. that's the name of the girl) finds out bout Maleficant and who is she, and what she did (curse, wink wink :D ), she gets all upset and a bit angry. Then runs away to find her father - the king (cause yes, your dad put you away to live in a house with 3 elderly woman (well she doesn't know that they are fairies (and yes. fairies can shapeshift into humans - which actually now gives me another question. If they can do that, could it be that there are actually a ton of fairies hiding within the human realm as humans? Oh wait. They get burned by iron, so I guess not. nwm)), and the moment you find out that the person you look up to and who has protected you, despite the fact she put a curse on you, you run of to find your asshole of a king father who is insane. makes total sense, but I write this one of as her being a teenager).
Maleficent then also tries to make haste to the castle to try and prevent the curse from happening or try and wake her up using a foreign prince (who seemed a bit confused and brain dead xD ).
She infiltrates the castle. Gets to the girl. The kiss of the prince doesn't work. Now at this point of the movie I was confident that the servant of Maleficent would wake up the girl, cause he did seem to care for her a lot as well, but turns out Maleficent regrets her actions, real bad, and as a goodbye - kisses the girl on the forehead. Boom. Magic. A kiss of true love. Girl wakes up. Then our heroes/villains, try to make their escape. Enter battle scene with warriors in full plate mail armour and iron weapons. Enter mad king. Who doesn't seem to care that his daughter has somehow magically regained consciousness, but heck. He's insane allright. The girl brakes the cage which held the wings of Maleficent (since when do wings that are separated from the body show signs of being alive, and if so, why did it not happen in the movie previously? If the wings only react to Maleficent, could he had not used them as an alarm? As a bargaining chip maybe?), boom! Magic time. Wings get back to our lovely fairy. Battle scene. King dies. Maleficent goes away with the girl. Puts her on the throne of the fairy kingdom, and suposedly, this makes the both kingdoms united. How? If the king is dead, same as the queen, who can legitimize the claim that the girl has for the throne? I mean. Noone knows her except the 3 fairies. People in that setting are not keen on trusting fairies. So. How? Really now. Movie. Plz explain.
But in overall. Good movie. Do recommend. Fun and awesome to watch. Has a lot of symbolism as it comes to the personal freedom of an individual and warns us not to trust strangers and ex-boyfriends, or ex-girlfriends, cause they kind of tend to be jerks. Well up to a point of course.
The movie had potential. If it would have included a little bit more explanation, little bit more background for a few characters, like 1,5 or 2 more hours of screenplay, some political activities as well, it could have very well gotten 10 out of 10.
Nobeigumam īss klips no filmas.
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