pirmdiena, 2014. gada 2. jūnijs

Atdzejojums nr.8. On a sad dark note of remembering the past. Oh well.

Kārtējais oriģināls, kurš tapis angļu valodā.
Nožēlojot pagātnes darbības un sāpes, ko esmu radījis citos. Piedošanu:D
I know I used to be an emo-kid and all. And I did shit. Yeah. Many people did. But... I guess there are things I will always keep on regretting. Well... Only one I can blame here is myself. So yeah. Don't be a fool. And don't fuck up others. It's not good for your mental (and neither for your physical) health.
Due to emotional reasons and language this one was a bit tougher to be translated then the rest (well so far at least) and quite a few changes were made. But as usual. The thought kind of remains the same. And a little bit more on the poem. Erm. Well. The original was made after I started to regret doing shit to family cause of drugs. Don't want to go too much into the whole backstory thing this time, but yeah. Nobody is perfect. So there. Enjoy your half-assed poetry :P

I'm done.

Tired of thinking,
Some positive linking -

Actions illegal,
Status - unequal.

Then getting high,
Soaring through the sky
Next to the birds,
Believing I can fly.

Startling conclusion,

For this way of life,
There is no solution -
Just mindless polution.

Foolish and lost,
In their selfish greed,
OH, but do we fail to see,
Suffer and pain brought upon,
Those who truly care for me.


Esmu noguris domāt,
Laiks pievērstīes "pozitīvām" jomām,
Darbībām, nelāgām,
Apstākļiem, smieklīgiem.

Tad lidosim augstu,
Planēsim tālu,
Caur debesu jumu,
Ticot, ka cilvēks ar lidot spēj.

Biedējošs secinājums,
Šādu dzīvi dzīvojot,
Galam jēga nepienāks,
Viss tiks tikai samaitāts.

Muļki tie kas pakļāvušies,
Savtīgai iekārei ļāvušies,
Bet cik bieži, gan mēs akli,
Nesaredzam, to ciešanu grāvi,
Kur mūsu mīļos mēdzam gāzt.

Muļķīgi kaut kā. Pēc valodas... arī feils... bet, bet, bet.... still a bit better then the original. Guess I'll have to rework this one through again. Oh well. But in the meantime. Enjoy what you can. Life is short. Don't spend it all on yourself. Think a little bit about others as well.

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