otrdiena, 2016. gada 22. novembris

And here we go again... a promise made?

Somebody once said - a thought that has not been written, has not been thought out till the end. So here I am. Writing this down in order to do just that. Come to a conclusion and come to a plan. I've heard and said a lot of things. Some wise, some silly, while some that could be placed nowhere and everywhere all at once. So here is a promise. Promise to you dear viewer (thank you by the way for reading this blog still even though of the inconsistency within the posts) and more importantly - Myself. I've said quite a while ago - we are all egoists to a degree. Some more, some less, but all still. Why did you rob the bank? Wanted that cash. Why did you help an old lady cross the street? Cause you wanted to feel good about yourself, or at least something amongst those lines. So here is my egoistical promise that (hopefully) I shall manage to keep.
- Do exercise at least 10 minutes everyday
- Write something and post something here at least once a week
- Make a video once a week.
I've been meaning to do these things for a while really, but why should I?
Exercise - kind of goes without saying I believe, but in case it is not that obvious to you - I am not the person with the best body around these parts and I could at least try to improve while it is not too late, plus it should pay off with some advantages as it comes to being able to do more physical activities endurance and all the other nonsense Topshop tries to sell you in their ads.
Writing - Well... I've been really lazy with this. I used to think pushing yourself didn't quite work, cause one should write from his heart and soul, but know I've come to understand it only works if one is doing self-reflection and if I am to realise some of my dreams I need to be perfect. And you know what makes perfect? Epic rolls and practise of course =D
Videos - Another thing of mine I wanted to pull of in quite while. I actually did start on this ages ago as you might remember 1 or 2 of my videos, but it all came to a standstill on February when... my Mom died. Still miss her, but it's better now. At least I don't feel out of place anymore. Feeling somewhat sane even. Also. Thank all of you who gave me your support during this past year. It meant a lot and I would've fucked up quite a bit without all of you out there helping me get my shit together. And another reason for this is that I've been considering many ideas for the theme of my show, but I guess it's just time for action and I'll figure it out on the go. Possibly. Maybe. Who knows. After all life is like blackjack. You got to know when to hit, when to stand, maybe double down in the middle or split on side, but if I won't place that bet, no chance for me to win this round. It's my turn now.
How will all of this go?
Hopefully well. Stay tuned for feedback on how this affair goes along.

Alas. Time for this post to end. And as always. A nice song for you to enjoy this morning/day/night/ whenever you are reading this.
And I genuinely didn't expect to ever share a 1D song but here it is:

Thanks for reading this nonsense? Self-reflection post? Who cares. Remember. Never say never xD
Wish good luck ladies and gentlemen. Time for me to hit the sack and go to sleep.

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