Nu tā. Ir apnicis būt nomāktam. Tam esmu gana daudz pēdējā laikā
ļāvies un centies uzlikt masku. Tāpēc pie dirsas visu. Dzīve ir skaista. So. KKas jauns un šoreiz arī latviski. Ceru jums patiks :)
Sev - ejot pa ceļu,
Seko piemērs - cerību stars,
Laimes un prieka - sajūta, miers,
Mirklis un dziesma,
Mute un miesa,
Vārds, tā spēks,
Palicis tikai - nākotnes lāsts,
Ceļš tik grūts,
Skaties kur mūc,
Ka kājas nepaklūp,
Jo dzīve, tā cieta,
Kā no dimanta lieta,
Paša rokām nopulēta,
Mūsu darbiem ieveidota,
Cīnoties ar trūkumu,
Tā apmierina tavu vajadzību.
Dzīve -
Te nu būs, tava rota,
pildīta bēdām, raudām,
Tā izaicinājumiem pilna,
Bet neviens neteica, ka būs viegli,
Kalt šo rotu,
Nest savu kalnu,
Uzkāpt mēnesī,
Un nocelt zvaignes debesīs.
Tomēr dzīve.
Tā skaista mēdz būt.
Sooo. Nu jā. Un divas manuprāt labākās dziesmas no vienas (atkal jau manuprāt) no labākājām filmām ever.
Another post fully in english eh. Why? Well... I don't know for sure
myself, but maybe because my heart is a bit heavy and it's easier to
perform self-reflection this way. Well. Somewhat.
So today. I'm going
to talk bout chess pieces. Not chess. But chess pieces. There is a
clear distiction between the two. One is a strategic game where players
both start on the same ground with the same conditions and a battle of
wits, tactics and strategy ensues. The others. They are just a part of
the game. The most important one at that. Cause if not for the chess
pieces we could not have this game. And just as every other piece, I too
am a part of this game. But where do I stand? I ain't just a simple
pawn anymore, so that role is out of the question. I'm not that full of
myself to demand the role of the king. Well. Not yet at least. Me - a
queen. Now that would be funny, but sadly that's not the one either.
Even looking beyond the whole gender thing, my strenght and influence
doesn't reach nearly as far as that of a queen. Could I be a rook? Not
even close. Well. Perhaps in the future, but I'm not the type of a
person who can just keep going straight. A knight? Maybe. I am kind of
jumping around all the time and I am quite the trickster who manages to
pull of amazing stunts in a situation with no way out, but there is
another piece I associate myself more with. So that leaves me with just
one option. The bishop.
Why the bishop?
Well... the way I see it.
As a piece the bishop has real trouble going straight. In order to get
to the tile 2 spaces in front of him, he needs to moves. He can jump all
around, but without the support of others he ain't that good on his
own. A bishop is a man tied to religion, which I can also reference
myself to. Even though they should be dedicated to religion, there are
multiple accounts of the inner struggle between the right and wrong, as
man of God are often submitted to temptations. Indeed. It takes a lot of
strenght and faith in order to overcome these temptations. Even though
they cold be educated in many matters, sometimes this extra knowledge
means a lack of knowledge in many other spheres. Thus comes a lifetime
of learning more and more bout oneself, the world and God.
Alas. We
come to this. Last but not least. They are at the side of each king and
queen. I had my queen. But her path was not meant to be crossed with
mine. I found another. But she chose another man. I had a king. But my
path led away from him, cause I had learned what I needed to be able to
move on. Funny. But just a few days ago I managed to lose another queen.
I can't help a person unless they are willing to help themselves. Noone
can. I don't know. Whether it's hope. Or intuition. Certainly I hope
it's the last, cause mine is so accurate at times that it starts getting
creepy, somehow I think the future events have been shown to me. Oh
well. We will see. I just hope that when the time comes, that God will
drive me in the right direction.
I don't know. Maybe it helped. Maybe
it did not. Maybe it was just a random rambling, to be shattered upon
the rock. Rock of future. Rock of faith. Rolling on. Waiting for the
sky, to fall down upon, once to be obeyed by the law, picking out the
very shortest straw. Well. Who knows. Maybe all of us. On some deeper
level. Maybe none. Nontheless. Life is fun. Beautiful. Harsh. And rough.
It's a matter of opinion. Cause even the most rainy day, can have a
silver lining. Just look close enough. Maybe you'll see. All the
priceless beauty - in front of thee.
So yeah. The argumentation might be a bit weak. Depends on how you look at it. But I wanted to do this. So here I am.
Question. Which chess piece would you pick for yourself?
And what would my blog be without another nice song. Or a song and an ost from a very awesome anime with a good plot
So people. Enjoy.
And once again blogger doesn't want me to find the video I want from it's youtube video adder. Something is weird. Is this a conspiracy or something so only the familiar names could be heard? I dunnoh. Well. Here is the video.
Also as an extra added bonus. Some more Trigun ost.
And the translation for the song as it in Japanese:
So... On the first night,
a pebble falls to the earth from somewhere.
So... On the second night,
The pebble's children hold hands and sketch a waltz.
Sound life
So... On the third night,
The children of the waltz cause ripples on the face of the world
So... On the fourth night,
the children of the wave spray the shore.
Sound life
So... On the fifth night,
those shards strike the face of the earth over and over.
So... On the sixth night,
those signals bring travellers together.
Sound life
So... On the seventh night,
a weightless ship races to the sky.
So... On the eighth morning,
a song from somewhere reaches my ears.
Sound life
Well then... A song that has recorded everything
echoes to the new sky.
Soooo.... This entry is going to be english. Don't like it? Then
leave. Cause I'm going to talk bout stuff that you can read online in
english only. So yeah. Huh. Erm. Where to begin? I guess with the cause.
Which would be? Doing something productive? Middle of night. Yeah I
know. Not the best time. But I'm an owl and I work better at night.
Besides. Wasn't able to fall asleep, so decided to finally do this. Do
what? Well the title kind of gives it away, but write this poem
actually. It has been a long time since something has moved me so
emotionally that I'm willing to write something just cause of it. Some
of my poems were just attempts to recreate. The spark. The muse. The
link. Call it whatever. If you write prose or poetry I think you should
get the point. But let's not get offtopic shall we? By now you
might/might not have forgotten what mentioned earlier. That I was
inspired. This thing. It was a manga. One of the damn best ones I've
read so far actually. It's kind of bout martial arts. Kind of. But. It's
much more. It's about life. Living. Finding your place. And being
yourself. I can't explain it no matter how well I tried. All else that I
want to mention is that I cried near the end. The ending contains a
HUUUUUGE plot twist. You might. Might not see it coming. If you did.
Well. You certainly know your assholes. Go and check it out by clicking here.
Wanted to put in a wikipedia article, but they don't really have it - surprise, surprise eh?
So without further delay - the poem I talked about - and the song which I was listening to while writing this.
Hmmm. For some reason the usual way how to add videos doesn't allow me to add the video here. Weird. Well. Just click here for the song then.
So here I was,
In the middle of the road,
Lonesome traveller,
Carrying on,
Searching far and wide -
For a place to call my own.
Somewhere to stay -
Where I could belong,
And grow on my own.
This, mine, your and ours - holyland .
So there I am,
Middle of the fight,
Crusader of truth,
In the neverending battle of life,
Looking for knowledge,
In this place of mine.
Sometimes I know -
We will need to hold the line,
Can we do that?
To protect which is that -
Our holyland.
There I will be,
Striving for glory,
Justice and might.
Intrigue and romance -
What a fancy sight,
To be seen beyond the curtain,
Stepping through which,
Almost impossible seems.
One step at a time,
It doesn't get closer.
Two steps and I'm tired of trying.
Enough is enough.
My decision is set.
I shall cross the veil,
I - will be there,
your, their, but especially - mine,
In the holyland.